Betekenis van:
factory farm

factory farm
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • gemechaniseerde fokkerij
  • a large-scale farming enterprise



factory farm
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • landbouwindustrie, agro-industrie
  • a large-scale farming enterprise




  1. Cars are factory products, while foods are farm products.
  2. For those sampled Community industry producers which sold their fish at the farm gate with a deduction of a fee paid to a processing factory, an upward adjustment was made to reflect processing and packing costs in order to make their prices comparable to those of other producers in the sample.
  3. For those sampled Community producers which sold their fish at the farm gate with a deduction of a fee paid to a processing factory, an upward adjustment was made to reflect processing and packing costs in order to make their prices comparable to those of other producers in the sample and to the imports subject to investigation.